These were the only buildings out there. We had a classroom and a storage shed to hold sleeping bags and tents (if people wanted to sleep in a tent).
We saw a poor little Adele penguin running around too. I think they call them suicide penguins because somehow they got away from the pack. I think this guy looks like a survivor. I hope he made it.
This is my bedroom for the night. It was actually really nice and cozy. The ice there was really easy to cut into blocks. So cool but warm at the same time!
The seals are starting to come up through the cracks to berth their young. I went on a tour of the Pressure Ridges by Scott Base and we caught a glimpse of some new borns.
In this picture, I headed off to Cape Evans where Scott had a hut. It is a historical site so nothing has been changed since 1907.
On the way we stopped at a iceberg stuck in the ice. It had that beautiful blue color throughout. Amazing and massive!
We get to have a little play time too, here at McMurdo. This was one of our Dodgeball tournaments. We threw off our competition by dressing in costumes. It must have helped because out department came in 1st and 2nd place!